Somatic and Attachment Therapy Packages & Single Sessions
You have what you need within you, Let’s discover what’s there….
Our bodies can guide us towards living our lives with more confidence, clarity and purpose.
Somatic and attachment therapy brings us into a deeper relationship with ourselves by tuning in and connecting to what is happening within the body and nervous system. Once we resolve stuck stress cycles within, we release a wellspring of energy to live the lives we truly dream of living.
We can begin to uncover and uproot what’s been holding you back so you can learn to feel more at ease, resilient and powerful on a consistent basis. You can develop flexibility in your nervous system and create a foundation to build and sustain lasting change. YES, you heard that right, lasting change.
These are life changing, foundational skills to set you up for success in life, relationships, work and play.
The container
3 -5 month package that includes:
4 x 1:1 Somatic Experiencing | Attachment sessions via zoom
8 x 1:1 Somatic Experiencing | Attachment sessions via zoom. (packages vary in price depending on what is right for you)
Somatic sessions are deeply personal and highly individual. This type of coaching combines Attachment therapy and Somatic Experiencing. We work within the realm of the nervous system to heal loops of activation and attachment injuries in a 1:1 setting.
Support in between sessions and continued guidance via voice messaging & written communication
Journal prompts, guided audio recordings and somatic exercises .
A foundational series of nervous system re-patterning (pre-recorded series). Homeplay suggestions for further digestion and integration.
You will be supported by a trauma trained somatic coach, certified in Somatic Experiencing (SE™ ) and Dynamic Attachment Re-patterning DARe. I come with a passion for and extensive knowledge in Self-empowerment, Mindset Mastery, meditation and Intuitive coaching.
Let’s go!
During our time together you will learn how to:
Lean into safety and trust your body’s wisdom so you can build confidence and move forward with your dreams.
Balance your nervous system and cultivate foundational positive change so you can have the life you desire.
Build your inner capacity to live a bigger, more fulfilling life. Do more of the things that excite you and have the energy for it
Unwind the layers of armour that your body has built up over the years. Keeping you from being yourself and feeling more alive in your body.
Create and uphold solid boundaries in all of your relationships, including the one with yourself so you can feel a genuine connection and secure attachment with others.
Increase your ability to adapt to stressful situations and crises. Aka: emotional resilience.
Learn the importance of embodied relationship dynamics and how your attachment adaptation shapes how you engage in relationships and life in general.
Experience yourself as the powerful, magnetic, beautiful person you are
Release habitual patterns created by stress, trauma and overwhelm.
Reclaim your energy
Learn body-based tools to take your life back
Learn ways to re-program habitual patterns that have been sabotaging your life .
This is for you if…
You wish to access your innate power, self-agency and a wellspring of vitality.
You have painful relationship patterns that keep repeating themselves.
You find yourself in a state of stress, panic or anxiety more often than not.
You want a deeper, more loving relationship with yourself and your body.
You are ready to move into more trust, feel clarity and ease in your life .
You have difficulty figuring out what you need or want, let alone asking for it.
You lack focus and are easily thrown off by your own emotions or those of others.
You have trouble setting and maintaining boundaries without second-guessing yourself or worrying that someone will be upset with you.
You have a desire to understand more about how your trauma history is affecting your life, relationships and the way you view the world today.
You yearn to come into a closer relationship with your body and nervous system so you can feel calmer and more empowered to handle anything that comes your way.
You want to release long – held limiting beliefs about yourself and others so you can live a more fully engaged life.
You desire to live a bigger life in all areas.
You want to learn how to uncover, discover and return to the aliveness and well-being you know is available to you.
Build a container that can hold all of your desires.
Somatic attachment therapy aims to build or rebuild trusting, supportive relationships. It helps people resolve past traumas and attachment wounds that often stem from childhood and affect our adult relationships. It strengthens self worth, re-establish a core sense of self and releases tensions stored in the body that contribute to painful relationship dynamics.
Somatic Attachment therapy Helps:
Restore the body as a place of safety and as a conduit for love
Feel an embodied core sense of self
Compassionately renew a felt sense of connection and security
Release stored tensions in the body that contribute to defensiveness, avoidance, or anxiety
Expand the capacity to process body (preverbal and nonverbal) memory
Metabolize unprocessed emotions
Create deep and sustaining intimate relationships
Break the cycle of reenacting protective attachments patterns in relationships
Create the internal and external conditions for attachment repatterning versus merely working with symptom reduction.
Restore your optimal relationship to yourself and the world around you
Enhances the capacity for joy, trust, managing disappointments and rejections
Somatic Experiencing is a specialized trauma therapy that uses the understanding of the nervous system and the body to help us release, recover, and become more resilient.
Our bodies hold memories and imprints of our past experiences. The trauma at the root of our anxiety, depression, and maladaptive behaviors can’t be resolved without our body finding a way to release these memories and imprints.
Sustained healing only happens when our nervous system regains equilibrium. Somatic Experiencing (SE) helps us move beyond the cognitive process of understanding our trauma.
It’s a process that reprograms the body’s primitive survival instincts, allowing one to feel a greater sense of connection, safety, and ease in one’s body.
How does it work?
Our body has an innate capacity to return to a more balanced, regulating system. When we step aside from the cognitive story, into the body’s experience, we can slowly track body sensations and allow our body to have a chance to do what it needed to do at the time of the event.
This allows the fight/flight/freeze energy to slowly and safely start to shift and the alarm bell can become softer.
Imagine what could be different if we weren’t daily fighting that internal alarm bell? So much more energy could be focused on living the life we really want.
Who is it for?
Somatic therapy can help individuals that suffer from a wide range of mental issues such as trauma, addiction, PTSD, CPTSD, grief, depression, stress, and anxiety.
It can also be helpful in these situations:
Upcoming/traumatic surgical procedures, high impact accidents (ie car accidents & falls) inescapable attack, pre- and post natal trauma.
Single Sessions
If you are new to Somatic and Attachment therapy or would prefer scheduling sessions as you need them. Single session appointments are also available.