Discover the foundations of healing, teach your body new ways of being, and awaken your senses.
“..and I said to my body softly. “I want to be your friend.” It took a long breath and replied, “I have been waiting my whole life for this
For those of us journeying with Chronic Pain, the struggle is unrelenting. It chips away at our sense of well-being, aliveness and the way we perceive ourselves in the world. It alienates us, isolates us and takes away our aliveness. Our world can become quite small.
Our brain/body connection has been studied, dissected and largely misunderstood for many years. We know for certain that brain cells and body cells talk to each other and they do so in surprising ways. Neurons adapt, change and connect inside of us without our conscious awareness.
We know things about these connections that we didn't know even a few years ago.
How do these systems interact with each other and create patterns that either create more pain or less?
How do we become active participants within these systems to create change?
Join me in exploring some proven ways to change, re-pattern and reprogram our relationship to pain. We'll even have some fun doing it! difference.
Re-Defining Chronic Pain
(a self paced course)
What is it?
The 5 week Re-Defining Chronic Pain program is a container to explore and find relief from Chronic Pain using neuroscience combined with nervous system repair, self agency and FUN. We will explore how we can build a new foundation where pain is not the main attraction.
Using our S.A.F.E. method, we help people break patterns of pain, rebuild emotional resilience and cultivate capacity so they can radiate wellness, befriend their bodies and move forward with confidence and clarity. Can I get a Hell yes?!
Who is it for?
You are in pain. You know deep within you it can be different. You're tired of the pain running the show.
This course is also for you if:
Your pain is undiagnosed or a mystery pain.
You have a diagnosis but you feel there is more to the story, more you can do.
You are constantly worried about your pain.
You have a feeling that your pain is not purely physical.
You had an acute injury that has healed but the pain remains.
You know there has to be another way to be in relationship to pain.
You're tired and just want relief.
You want a different relationship to your body and pain.
You want to learn how your brain and body work together to escalate or de-escalate you pain.
You want to be an active participant in healing.
What will we cover in the course?
Week 1
Nervous System, the Brain & Pain
Anchoring Into Safety
Kinds of Pain
How We Make Pain Worse
Week 2
Barriers to Healing
Body Scanning
Vagus Nerve
Building Capacity
Week 3
High Alert Habits
Remembering Other Sensations
Awareness With Compassion
Orient to Safety
Week 4
Building Emotional Resiliency
Anger, Relationship to Stress, & Healthy Agression
Week 5
Ventral Vagal States
Relapses & Setbacks
Biological Embodiment
Testimonials From Past Participants
“I have a sense of freedom I didn’t before - I can trust myself to keep myself safe, no matter what is happening around, or within, me. And the tools are so simple I can call on them in the middle of a panic attack or pain flare up, which is no small feat. Beyond that, I feel safer expressing myself & owning who I am, which is changing how I’m showing up in relationships & my business. It’s begun to shift how my brain interprets my life, which is remarkable.”
— Brittney - Pelvic Pain & Anxiety
“I liked how it uses simple ways to disarm your body and help build resilience against pain and anxieties surrounding pain. The pain I was experiencing is much better and more in the background of my life and not running the show. ”
— Amanda - Fibromyalgia
“The brain is so fucking cool.. I had no idea how my mind /brain and pain could be cross wired without me knowing and therefore contributing to more pain! And that it can be rewired! I feel empowered, have more peace of mind and less anxiety around pain. ”
— Mandi - Migraines & anxiety
“Being part of a community that was having pain like me made me feel less alone. I am relieved, it was like a light bulb was turned on. My understanding of how the body works when it’s in pain has grown. I have methods, techniques and mindsets to help ease myself through pain flare ups when they arise. What an amazing program.”
— Kathryn - Debilitating Chest Pain
Your Investment
You will be prompted to set up an account once you purchase the course.